OU Library

Library Facilities


The Library Services supports the overall vision and mission of the Open University of Mauritius (OU). It complements the curriculum requirements of the University by providing printed and digital resources to support the teaching, learning and research endeavours of the OU community as a whole. The Library Services manages two physical libraries and an online library (e-library) which has a vast collection of e-books, e-journals and other educational resources. The Head, Library Services has the overall responsibility of the Library Services.

Facilities and Services

Aiming to support the learners and academics, OU’s Library Services has continuously ensured that its stakeholders have access to the following facilities and services:

1. Provision of books (including e-books) and other learning resources to support the teaching, learning and research activities of the library users

2. Reference service – assisting users in finding information and in research

3. Selective dissemination of information (SDI) – subject list of e-resources is sent to targeted learners enrolled in specific programmes.

4. Continuously growing e-library collections – through paid subscriptions and open access educational resources.

5. User Education – Online training sessions in collaboration with e-resource providers are organised for learners and library/e-library orientation is conducted regularly by the Head, Library Services.

6. Law Corner – a law collection and dedicated library area equipped with ICT and other library facilities are provided to academics and learners enrolled in law programmes.

7. Photocopy services – An assisted photocopy service is offered to learners wishing to photocopy assignments and library materials.

8. Virtual Inductions- All new Learners are given an overview of the services and resources provided by the Library Services followed by a demonstration on how to access, search and download online databases.

9. Dissemination of information through:

  • Emails, phones, online and face-to-face training sessions
  • Blackboard Platform: Using the OU e-library demonstration videos, Fact Sheet (containing registration instructions, links, usernames and passwords), list of dissertations, Forms to request library services, webinars, workshops and training videos organised by e-resource providers in collaboration with OU.
  • Video tutorials made by the HLS on how to access each database are posted on the YouTube channel of OU.

10. Providing access to physical libraries equipped with library materials, reading areas and photocopy facilities at both Curepipe and Réduit campuses.

11. OU e-dissertations are available for consultation


The e-library with over 500,000 e-books and 45,000 e-journal titles is accessible from anywhere and at any time. It is accessible 24/7 provided there is Internet access. Learners do not need to be on campus to have access to e-library facilities. The e-library consists of quality resources from well-known e-resource providers through paid subscriptions and Open Educational Resources to meet the Library users’ needs.

Paid Subscriptions

1. Elsevier – ScienceDirect Evidence-Based Selection e-books collection and SD Freedom Collection of e-journals

2. Emerald – Management & Engineering e-books and e-journals collections.

3. EBSCOhost – Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, eBook Academic Collection, eBook Business Collection, eBook Collection, eBook Open Access (OA) Collection, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text, Regional Business News

4. ProQuest – Literature Online, ProQuest Arts and Humanities collections

5. Thomson Reuters – Westlaw Classic legal database

6. Research4Life – peer-reviewed content in health, agriculture, environment, and other life, physical and social sciences.

Open Educational Resources

1. JSTOR – peer-reviewed scholarly journals, respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports, and primary sources from libraries’ special collections and archives.

2. Taylor & Francis Open Access e-books and e-journals collections

3. Directory of Open Access Journals and Books (DOAJ) & (DOAB) – peer-reviewed open-access e-journals and e-books collections.

4. National Digital Library of India – Contains 73,356,939 resources, including 46,000,000 books

5. Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD)

6. Global Trends in Management, IT and Governance in an e-World Book series (E-MIG International)

7. Academia

8. Hal-Francophonie

9. Scientific & Academic Publications – SAPUB

10. Global Trends in Management, IT and Governance in an e-World book series (E-Mig International)

11. ScienceDirect, EBSCO and Emerald open access collections

12. University of Mauritius E-Library System – e-dissertations

13. Legislations of Mauritius

14. OU e-dissertations collection