Research RCI

Research RCI

RCI Activities

  • Development of research policies in collaboration with the consultant, Professor Lessing Labuschagne, Executive Director (Research), UNISA.


  • Organisation of lectures/talks by visiting academics


  • Mani Hull, higher education leadership and policy expert from the United States who talked about “Global Learning Value Rubrics”


  • Manoj Maharaj from the University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, who had a talk on “Challenges of Integrating ICT in Higher Education”


  • Dr Upasana Singh from the University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, who talked about “e-Assessment Policy Development for Higher Education Institutions in Africa”


  • Les Labuschagne from UNISA who talked about “Taking Your Research to Successful Completion”


  • Submission/publication of research articles in peer-reviewed journals:


  • “ODL-An Unavoidable Pillar in the Building of a Knowledge Society”, submitted to the Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society.


  • “Frameworks for ICT Integration in Mathematics Education – A Teacher’s Perspective”, submitted for publication to Eurasia Journal of Mathematics and Technology.

  • “Acceptance of Technology in the Classroom-a Qualitative Analysis of Teachers’ Perspectives”, which will be        published in


  • Publication of a chapter on “Technology Affordances at the Open University of Mauritius” by Springer, in the book, titled, Technology for Efficient Learner Support Services in Distance Education – Experiences from Developing Countries.


  • Planning and design of research proposals, including projects for bidding of funds, namely:


  • Development of an Intercultural Model for Sustainable Communities Based on the Mauritian experience.


  • Research Study for the Analysis of the Needs, Opportunities, Performance and Challenges of SMEs in the Republic of Mauritius.


  • Research Study for the Provision of Consultancy Services for Mystery Shopping in Hotels.


  • Research Study on the Opinion of Industry on the Relevance, Appropriateness, and Suitability of Tertiary Educational Qualifications for Effective Employability Opportunities.


  • Participation in the TEC National Research Week
    Ten academics and staff of the Open University of Mauritius attended the research week, presenting a number  of research papers, proposals and posters on various educational themes.  One of OU’s learners, registered for a PhD programme, namely, Ms Anjani Murdan, has won the Best Presenter Award in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities at the research week.


  • From 8-10 November 2017, OU organised the first joint multidisciplinary e-MIG Conference in collaboration with UKZN. Papers were submitted from eight countries which included South Africa, Mauritius, Zambia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria and India on a range of topics within the disciplines of Information Technology, Law, Management and Governance. This conference was attended by over 100 delegates. Beyond the traditional paper presentation, keynote addresses, and plenary sessions, corporate visits were organized to showcase some of the best practices in highly successful institutions in Mauritius.

The Research, Consultancy and Innovation (RCI) Centre – Download 

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